10 Wednesday AM Reads

Some reads for your midweek morn:

• How the wealthy resemble sociopaths: Peculiar Traits of Rich People (Motley Fool) see also Why Rich People Feel Poor (Bloomberg)
• When Will The Fed Change Its Reaction Function? (Wonky) (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch)
• The first down-quarter for earnings since 2012? (Reformed Broker)
• Gold: In search of a new standard (FT) but see China is losing its taste for gold (WSJ)
• How Innovation May Make Wall Street Less Efficient (Real Time Economics)
• Regulators to unveil plans to step up checks on stockbroker records (WSJ)
• Cayman Islands are where tens of billions of dollars don’t get declared to IRS (Quartz)
• This is Amazon’s smartphone (BGR)
• Why Scientists Increasingly Need to be Salesmen (Priceonomics)
• America and Russia arm the world, in four charts (Vox)

What are you reading?


Sovereign Yields Continue Lower

Source: Bespoke Investment Group


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