10 Wednesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Stop sabotaging your investments (MarketWatch) see also Ignore the Market, Watch the Data (Bloomberg View)
• Stiglitz: How Much Trading Should There Be? (Bloomberg View)
• Jeff Kleintop Sees Good Earnings Growth Ahead (Barron’s) see also Economic recovery accelerates as winter turns to spring (The Term Sheet)
• Too Big to Jail (Newsweek)
• Offshore Tax Havens Cost You $1,259 a Year (Fiscal Times)
• Tesla vs. the Auto Dealers (New Yorker)
• Stockbrokers who repeatedly failed a qualifying exam have worse disciplinary records (WSJ)
• Why nobody can tell whether the world’s biggest quantum computer is a quantum computer (Quartz) see also Gravitational waves show deficit in black hole collisions (Ars Technica)
LOL: A Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross (FiveThirtyEight)
• This Is What the GOP’s War On Science Looks Like (io9)

How was your day?


Regulators Weigh Curbs on Trading Fees

Source: WSJ

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