10 Tuesday PM Reads

Some reads for your trip home this evening:

• No, Current Sentiment is not like March 2000 (Marketwatch)
•  Manipulate Me: The Booming Business in Behavioral Finance (Bloomberg)
• A Major Demographic Tailwind Is Coming That Could Make The US Boom For Years (Business Insider)
• Retirement Advice, Without the Sugarcoating (NY Times)
• Uber vs. Lyft: The $500 Million Battle to Decide How You Ride (Wired)
• Still in the grip of the Great War (Economist)
• Millennial Scam: How young people are tricked by billionaires (Salon)
• Weed Is the Sleeper Issue of 2016 (The Wire) see also Remember when legal marijuana was going to send crime skyrocketing? (Vox)
• A Moon of Saturn Has a Sea, Scientists Say (NYT)
• 5 (Happy Little) Things You Didn’t Know About Bob Ross (Mental Floss)

What’s new with you?


Are Small-Cap Stocks Overpriced?

Source: WSJ

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