10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reading:

• Surprise is the only constant in the markets this year. (WSJ)
• ETF Model Portfolios Change Advisory Biz (ETF.com)
• Where in the world is the Kuwait Investment Authority? (AI-CIO)
• Death of the Time Stamp: Medium, Slingshot & the Movement Away from RIGHT NOW (Hunter Walk)
• Active management is alive and kicking (FT)
• He’s allocated money to victims of 9/11 and the BP oil spill. Can Ken Feinberg handle GM? (WonkBlog)
• Is Work Killing You? In China, Workers Die at Their Desks (Bloomberg)
• Tax cuts in Kansas have cost the state money — and job creation’s been terrible (WonkBlog) see also Kansas Tax Cut Leaves Brownback With Less Money (The Upshot)
• Inside the Google World Cup War Room (Re/Code)
• Digitally restored ‘Hard Day’s Night’ revives Beatlemania 50 years later (WSJ)

What are you reading?



Stock Pickers Have Tough Time in 2014

Source: WSJ


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