10 Thursday PM Reading

Some evening reads to look over:

• Overruled, Judge Still Left a Mark on S.E.C. Agenda (DealBook)
WTF? Warren Buffett on Sex (Motley Fool)
• Wanted: Personal Coach for Investing Drop Shots (FT)
• There’s a Huge Difference Between an Opinion and a Position (All Star Charts)
• What Happens When the Economy Baffles Economists? (Bloomberg View) but see Can economists tell if a recession is coming? En masse, they have been pretty good. (Real Time Economics)
• Lehman Lesson Lost as Bank Lobby Gains Clout, Swedish Leader Says (Bloomberg)
• Growth Has Been Good for Decades.  Why Why Hasn’t Poverty Declined? (The Upshot) but see Extreme Poverty Has Dropped in Half Since 1990 (Priceonomics)
• Why Freakonomics Freaks Me Out (Bloomberg View)
• One easy way to end gerrymandering: Stop letting politicians draw their own districts (WonkBlog) but see You can’t stop billionaires from buying elections (WaPo)
• Tetris Creators Talk About Staying Relevant in a Candy-Crushed World (Re/Code)

What are you reading?



What exactly is in the ECB’s toolkit?

Source: MoneyBeat

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