Stocks & Markets
Time-IN the market…
Investors,aka market MIS-timers. Behavior is the #1 determinant of investing success. Chart from Millennial Money
— Patrick OShaughnessy (@millennial_inv) June 11, 2014
Low Vol begets…?
Q: Does near record low volatility beget even lower volatility going forward?
Hint: Volatility is mean reverting.
— Charlie Bilello, CMT (@MktOutperform) June 8, 2014
Here’s to you, Joe DiMaggio
The DiMaggio hit streak of markets was broken this week, 385 days above the 200-day set in '95-96. $SPX
— Charlie Bilello, CMT (@MktOutperform) June 6, 2014
Listen to Arthur:
"#1 investment mistake Americans make is that they don’t invest; early enough or at all." More w/ @themotleyfool this Sunday @Bloombergradio
— Arthur Levitt (@ArthurLevitt) June 13, 2014
No, Suitability & Fiduciary are not the same thing
Incredibly, the SEC Sets Forth Its View: Suitability Standard is the Same as Fiduciary Standard
— Ron Rhoades,JD,CFP® (@140ltd) June 12, 2014
Breaking down the NFP numbers
May NFP +217k
Uber Drivers +33k
Explanatory Journalists + 14k
Burrito Critics +9k
Piketty Debunkers +26k
Top Callers -16k
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) June 6, 2014
What Wage Inflation?
No wage growth = no inflation = no need to tighten RT @wonkmonk_ Where is the wage growth?
— Jamie McGeever (@ReutersJamie) June 7, 2014
Belatedly Optimistic
Small-business optimism index rises in May to highest level since Sept 2007
— Nick Timiraos (@NickTimiraos) June 10, 2014
Brilliantly observed:
May Retail Sales disappoint on more gorgeous than expected weather.
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) June 12, 2014
That’s just Charlie being Charlie
Charlie Munger: The way G-SIFI banks account for derivatives "an insult to sewage".
— Ian Fraser (@Ian_Fraser) June 11, 2014
Global & Policy
Wall Street’s Bad Political Bet
Pocket change RT @qz: The financial industry made a bad investment in Eric Cantor
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) June 11, 2014
But that was pre-Greek crisis
How Greek island-hopping farmers brought civilisation to Europe
— New Scientist (@newscientist) June 10, 2014
Sad but true
"Nation Building" removed from CV.
— Ivan the K™ (@IvanTheK) June 13, 2014
California property taxes due to rise significantly | | Maybe CA does not default, it just stalls…
— Christopher Whalen (@rcwhalen) June 8, 2014
Introducing the word “Dumbth”
ZeroHedge busy parodying itself better than ever lately, with an unerring mix of wealth-destroying doom and Patriot-pandering dumbth.
— Paul Kedrosky (@pkedrosky) June 12, 2014
Lets see Elon Musk build one of these:
We could travel to new worlds in NASA's starship Enterprise
— The Verge (@verge) June 13, 2014
Redbull didn’t help…
Stayed up all night studying for my Turing Test.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) June 10, 2014
Hard to imagine
This map shows every school shooting since Sandy Hook:
— Vox (@voxdotcom) June 11, 2014
More evolution
I read George Will piece then read about a study that says men's faces evolved to be punched and understood why.
— Pete Dominick (@PeteDominick) June 9, 2014
Some of these look like real jobs!
I'm enjoying this bullshit job title generator And what I mean is this sort of title misuse:
— Izabella Kaminska (@izakaminska) June 10, 2014
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