How the Military Manipulates the Web

Eglin Air Force Base Busted Gaming Reddit

The Pentagon and spy agencies have been busted manipulating the Internet – including social media – in order to promote false propaganda and to stifle dissenting information.

Earlier today, newly-released Snowden docs showed that British spies manipulate polls, website popularity and pageview counts, censor videos they don’t like and amplify messages they do.

We’ve documented for years that big social media sites like Reddit are censored and manipulated.

A Redditor calling himself “FreedomIntensifies”  just posted a fascinating analysis on military manipulation of Reddit by a specific base:

Check out this blog post with reddit statistics. Notice Eglin Air Force Base as the “most addicted” city. This is about a year ago, so reddit has been getting heavily sh!tp0sted by government employees for at least this long.

Here is a paper funded by Eglin AFB studying how to establish majority views, social control, influence conversations, contain unwanted information. Eglin AFB is a major hub for Pentagon domestic manipulation programs online.

A lot of this got established right when the war on terror started. Then in 2012 the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act legalized Pentagon / other agency domestic propaganda. That’s not to say what we think of as ‘propaganda’ or manipulation wasn’t going on before – just that they no longer have to plausibly believe the narrative they try to trick you into buying.

All this stuff is like 21st century cointelpro and project minaret.

Busted (?)

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