10 Wednesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• How can you have euphoria when nobody gives a sh*t? (Reformed Broker) see also Seventy Years After Stock Market Crash, Six of Ten American Households Invested in Stock Market (Gallup)
• The downsides of cheap corn (WonkBlog)
• Why Your Hot Mutual Fund Probably Won’t Stay That Way (Fiscal Times) see also Time to fire your fund manager? Here’s how to build your own global portfolio (BizNews)
• “People want money” (FT Alphaville)
• Only Rich Know Wage Gains With No Raises for U.S. Workers (Bloomberg) see also Blodgett: Why does the economy stink? Because America’s owners are greedier now than ever before. (Business Insider)
• The Home of the Future Is Here, And It’s Pretty Stupid (New Republic)
• With New Delivery Service, Uber Declares War on Google and Amazon (Wired) see also Your Presents On Way Offer Holiday Sales Clues: EcoPulse (Bloomberg)
• Can a robot be too nice? (Boston Globe)
• Live Coverage: The Crisis in Ferguson (BuzzFeed) see also Militarized cops’ scary new toys: The ugly next frontier in “crowd control” (Salon)
• A Warm Breeze, Some Puffy Clouds, a Summer Day…a Billion Kilometers From the Sun (Slate)

What are you reading?


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