10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• 3 Sentences That Explain Investing (Think Advisor)
• How to rip off a country, Espirito Santo style (Coppola Comment)
• What’s the Word? Reversification (Barron’s)
• ‘Flash Boys’ and the Speed of Lies (Bloomberg View)
• It has become a common refrain: “It’s too hard to get a mortgage.”  But is it true? (Real Time Economics)
• Who Really Bought a Car in July? (Bloomberg View)
• Old Attempt to Sell Real Estate Website Trulia Rewards Ex-Adviser Qatalyst Now (DealBook)
• The best argument yet for net neutrality comes from Major League Baseball (Quartz) see also FCC Chairman: Verizon Uses a ‘Disturbing’ Loophole to Throttle Unlimited Data (Vice)
• Shattering Myths to Help the Climate (The Upshot)
• Why everyone should take vacation (Washington Post) see also American workers don’t take all their vacation days, leaving, by some estimates, 577 million unused days on the table every year

What are you reading?


California’s Exceptional Drought Just Keeps Getting Worse

Source: Bloomberg


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