10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• The Rise of Ultracheap Financial Advisers (WSJ)
• Why Warren Buffett hates gold (USA Today)
• Eric Holder’s Shameful Legacy on Wall Street Fraud (Fiscal Times)
• Buy? Sell? Or Hold? (WSJ) see also I Really Want to Crush the Efficient Market Hypothesis (Pragmatic Capitalism)
• Census data on poverty show results of economic policy gone wrong (LA Times)
• When it comes to making decisions, bees and ants can act against stereotype (WSJ)
• The New Conservative Love Affair With Canada (The Upshot)
• This map shows which disease is most likely to kill you depending on where you live (Global Post)
• How the Ray Rice scandal unfolded (ESPN)
• The Brain That Changes Itself (Seeking Wisdom)

What are you reading?



California Droughts

Source: xkcd


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