10 Thursday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• Most Hedge-Fund Managers Are Overpaid, Big Investor Says (Bloomberg)
• Never let a politician or pundit give you investment advice  (Marketwatch)
McCulley: Escape Fandango​ (Pimco.com)
• A smaller pie (Statistical Ideas)
• Luxury Homes: Priced to Sell at $30 Million: The most expensive homes are spending less time on the market (WSJ)
• The Business of America is Dirty Tricks (The Baffler)
• Masters of Earth, Alone in the Universe (BV) see also Newly discovered species defies “all existing classifications of life” (Salon)
• Glaeser & Nathanson, Housing Bubbles (NBER)
Pogue: First Hands-On Impressions with the New iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (Yahoo) see also Apple Watch: Asking Why and Saying No (Stratechery)
Tell your kids to stop whining and suck it up: 25 of the Most Dangerous and Unusual Journeys to School in the World (Bored Panda)

What are you reading?



Kuroda Urges “Visible Hand” to Raise Japan Wages

Source: Real Time Economics



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