10 Wednesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• The world’s best market timers: the Federal Reserve (Marketwatch)
• Hedge Funds Take Another Hit as Spinoff Stocks Fizzle (WSJ) see also Misery Widespread at Hedge Funds (WSJ)
• Swedroe: Valuations And Asset Allocation (ETF.com)
• Yes, Market Volatility Is a Job-Killer (Real Time Economics)
• New York Fed Caught Sight of London Whale and Let Him Go (Bloomberg View) see also New York Fed Faulted in ‘London Whale’ Case (WSJ)
• Bloomberg Drops Huge Cash, Poaches Business Insider’s Joe Weisenthal To Host New TV Show (Business Insider)
• Walmart Is Killing the Rest of Corporate America in Solar Power Adoption (Slate)
• The Disruption Myth: The idea that businesses are more vulnerable to upstarts than ever is out-of-date—and that’s a big problem. (The Atlantic)
• Rush Limbaugh is America’s least-trusted news source (WonkBlog)
• The complete guide to Apple Pay (Quartz)

What are you reading?



US Regulators Agree to Go Easier on Mortgage Lending Rules

Source: WSJ



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