10 Weekend Reads

Welcome to the weekend. Pull up an easy chair, tall yourself a hot cup of joe, and enjoy our longer form weekend reads:

• Making the world’s problem solvers 10% more efficient: Ten years after a Google engineer empowered researchers with Scholar, he can’t bear to leave it (Medium)
• Wake Up, Europe by George Soros (New York Review of Books)
• No, Americans Are Not All To Blame for the Financial Crisis (New Republic)
• Why do we keep repeating Milgram’s experiments? (Aeon)
• The Grand Illusion: Does time have a future? Yes, but how much of a future depends on what the ultimate fate of the cosmos turns out to be. (Lapham’s Quarterly)
• The man with the golden blood (Mosaic)
• What if age is nothing but a mind-set? (NYT Magazine)
• Speed Kills: Fast is never faster enough (Chronicle of Higher Education)
• Beethoven’s Bad Influence: Beethoven transformed music—but has veneration of him stifled his successors? (New Yorker)
• How Rebounds Work: New cameras are teaching us more about where missed shots land than ever before (Grantland)

What is going on for the weekend?



America is Becoming Less Religious
Source: Pricenomics


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