10 Tuesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• Investment advisers often make Kaelin Clay’s mistake (Market Watch)
• Broker-dealers slap a stop order on Nicholas Schorsch’s REITs (Investment News)
• 10 Reasons Why The Bears Will Need To Wait (Bhargav Shivarthy)
• As oil prices drop, Wall Street takes one for the team (Fortune)
• Where to get advice for your 401(k) (Washington Post)
• Rich people are splurging on million-dollar homes again. Here’s why. (Washington Post)
• Precious Metals. The Second Wave of the Bubble Unwind is Upon Us (Mark Dow)
• Dear Senator Ted Cruz, I’m going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works (The Oatmeal)
• Can Money Buy You Happiness? (WSJ)
• The Massive Economic Benefits Of Self-Driving Cars (Forbes)

What are you reading?



Rivals Outdo Gross in Race For Bond Cash

Source: WSJ


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