10 Wednesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• Today’s Financial Market Risk-Taking Looks a Lot Like 2006 (Real Time Economics)
• S&P 500 headed to 2,500, courtesy of Japan? (Jon Markman) see also The 20-Year Bull Market (Crossing Wall Street)
• Why Jeremy Grantham is Right about Corporate Profit Margins (Advisor Perspectives)
• Bad vs. Basic: Kip McDaniel on identifying the bad and the basic in the competition for the finite asset pools that are moving away from risk. (Chief Investment Officer)
• Regulators Want Banks to Rescue Themselves Next Time (Bloomberg View)
• A passport to privilege: Class matters far less than it used to in the 19th century. Citizenship matters far more (Tim Harford)
• Water’s edge: the crisis of rising sea levels (Reuters) see also Too many people, not enough water: Now and 2,700 years ago (Space Daily)
• The mathematician who proved why hipsters all look alike. (Washington Post)
• How Much Money Big Cable Gave the Politicians Who Oversee the Internet (Gizmodo)
• Artist Removes One Letter from Famous Movie Titles and Illustrates the Results (Twisted Sifter)

What are you reading?



The Dow Continues to Make New Highs Within Its Upward Channel

Source: Chart of the Day


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