10 Monday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• Why High-Frequency Trading Is So Hard to Regulate (DealBook)
• Budget Blues Fade as U.S. Fiscal Drag Ends After Election (Bloomberg)
• Gold Bulls Accelerate Retreat to This Year’s Fastest Pace (Bloomberg)
• Pimco sees $48-billion outflow in October (LA Times) see also Pimco Sees $48 Billion in Outflows After Gross Departure (WSJ)
• Subjective Well‐Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence of Satiation? (Brookings)
• Why the top 1 percent dominates more in the U.S. than anywhere else (WonkBlog)
• 2014 Outside Spending, by Group (OpenSecrets)
• I’m a doctor fighting Ebola. And no, you aren’t going to catch it from me (The Guardian)
• The Rise of Invisible Unemployment: 3 theories about today’s biggest economic mystery: If unemployment is shrinking, why aren’t wages growing? (The Atlantic)
• 12 Obvious Things Confirmed By Science (Mental Floss)

What are you reading?



First-Time Home Buyers

Source: WonkBlog

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