10 Weekend Reads

That sure was a fun week! Settle into your favorite chair with a hot cup of Kona, and enjoy our longer form weekend readings!

• Glory To The New Bond King: Bill Gross’ spectacular fall from the top of the bond market has put tens of billions in play at a time when minuscule yields demand a fixed-income superstar. (Forbes)
• In Oil’s Slide, Echoes of a Fall: Adapted From ‘The Frackers: The Outrageous Inside Story of the New Billionaire Wildcatters’ (WSJ)
• Against Productivity: This Essay Took Four Years to Write (Medium)
• The Unbelievable Skepticism of the Amazing Randi (NY Times)
• How Jocks and Mathletes Are Alike: Seven Sports That Come Down to How Well Your Neurons Play (Nautilus)
• The War of the Words: How Did Amazon End Up as Literary Enemy No. 1? (Vanity Fair)
• Valerie Jarrett is The Obama Whisperer: Our Key To Understanding the Real Barack Obama (New Republic)
• What Do You Do When You Think You Have a Murderer in the Family? (Vice)
• Finding Marlowe: Did this man inspire two of noir’s iconic fictional detectives? (LA Times)
• 28 Important Philosophers List the Books That Influenced Them Most During Their College Days (Open Culture)

Whats up for the weekend?


Foreclosure Auctions Reverse Trend in October

Source: WonkBlog


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