10 Tuesday PM Reads

My afternoon train reads:

• ​Sorry, Putin. Russia’s economy is doomed (WonkBlog) see also Why Are Commodity Prices Falling? (Project Syndicate)
• Is Technology Speeding Up Market Cycles? (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• Investors Flee Active Stock Managers (WSJ)
• Jeffrey Gundlach, on his year as new ‘King of Bonds’ (Reuters)
• Higher capital requirements didn’t slow the economy (Money and Banking) see also How to regulate banks: crazy like a fox (FT Alphaville)
• How to Be a Better Digital Native (Scientific American)
• Beware The Man Of One Study (Slate Star Codex)
• Road, Bridges and Tunnels Matter, America (Bloomberg View) see also Inside America’s crumbling infrastructure (The Week)
• Once And For All: Michael Jordan Was Way Better Than Kobe Bryant (FiveThirtyEight)
• Feeling Like a Winner Changes What You Think Is Fair (Harvard Business Review)

What are you reading?


US economy close to full capacity

Source: Deutsche Bank

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