John Oliver on Big Tobacco

Thanks to tobacco industry regulations and marketing restrictions in the US, smoking rates have dropped dramatically. John Oliver explains how tobacco companies are keeping their business strong overseas.


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Tobacco



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  1. Stock Soup commented on Feb 17

    Okay, I guess I need moral direction.

    My first lot in Altria (MO), which owns Phillip Morris USA, is up 224% since April 2009. I cost averaged up for a total of 146% gain, excluding dividends.

    MO only sells smokes domestically as they split from Phillip Morris International (PM) a long time ago.

    Should I sell? Or should I give 20% of my realized gains to a good anti-smoking charity when I finally choose to sell?

  2. Jojo commented on Feb 18

    I would have liked John to spend a bit of time showing the cigarette ads that magazines like Popular Science, Wired and other with a youth audience continue to accept. Publishing these ads makes these magazines part of the problem, an indirect supporter of the tobacco death industry.

    I always rip these ads out of a magazine before I pass it on to others, even if doing so takes part of an article with them.

  3. rd commented on Feb 18

    This is a major economic advantage to the overseas economies as it will reduce their pension fund burden.

  4. Francois commented on Feb 18

    Best argument I’ve ever watch against Trans-Pacific Partnership and Trans-Atlantic Treaty

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