Guest Hosting Bloomberg TV (Today 7-8am)

Bloomberg Surveillance

Bloomberg Surveillance


I am going to be guest hosting on Bloomberg TV/Radio this morning with Tom Keene and Olivia Sterne from at 7:00 am – 8:00 am.

We will be discussing many things, including if stock market valuation is cheap or expensive or somewhere in between?

The live TV streams here.




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  1. Seaton commented on Apr 14

    Monopsonistic, now there’s a word not hear from in decades. Nicely done, BR, a good education/primer on these few companies that are the “800-lb-gorilla-in-the-market” & perspectives by you would be helpful.

    Also, doesn’t a monopsony corporation tend to not follow the “reasonable & prudent/rational investor” better business practices whenever it can “cut-corners”, whether by legislation helping ensure it’s monopsony? I’m thinking about wage influences of Wal-Mart as the easy example, or Amazon.

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