10 Weekend Reads

Pour yourself a strong mug of Côte d’Ivoire coffee, and enjoy our longer form weekend reads:

• Curtis Macnguyen Is a Former Hedge Fund Star. And That Is Not Acceptable (Bloomberg)
• How Do You Solve a Problem Like Consulting? (Chief Investment Officer)
• The Pursuit of Beauty: Yitang Zhang solves a pure-math mystery (New Yorker)
• Can civilisation reboot without fossil fuels? It took a lot of fossil fuels to forge our industrial world. Now they’re almost gone. Could we do it again without them? (Aeon) see also The $5 Billion Race to Build a Better Battery (Bloomberg)
• Build Your Own Cloud! Hard Drives Get a Second Life (WSJ)
• Washington Post Executive Editor Martin Baron on journalism’s transition from print to digital (Washington Post)
• What the NBA gets that the other big sports leagues don’t (WonkBlog) see also Baseball is struggling to hook kids — and risks losing fans to other sports (Washington Post)
• How to Find Your Bliss: Joseph Campbell on What It Takes to Have a Fulfilling Life (Brain Pickings)
• The Radical Humaneness of Norway’s Halden Prison (NY Times) see also A record 125 people were exonerated of crimes in 2014. Here are 6 of their stories. (Vox)
• Say Cheese! Cheese is the chameleon of the food world, as well as one of its greatest delights. Fresh and light or funky and earthy, creamy and melty or crystalline and crumbly—no other food offers such a variety of flavors and textures. (Gastropod)

Be sure to check out this weekend’s Masters in Business podcast with former CEA Chairman Alan Kruger.


This is What the History of Camera Sales Looks Like with Smartphones Included

Source: PetaPixel

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  1. hue commented on Apr 18

    without bias (30 for 30 http://bit.ly/1FVc4V9 ) if that amount of blow is always fatal, a lot more people would be dead

    magic johnson w/ a jump shot: benji (30 for 30 http://bit.ly/1cHM7RE ) i think the next chicago state champ, also from Simeon was Derrick Rose

    ‘The Dumbest Person in Your Building Is Passing Out Keys to Your Front Door!’ (nymag http://nym.ag/1Dk7nTc)

  2. RW commented on Apr 18

    Recession in Oil Patch Red States This Year?

    In the Oil Patch, probably yes–lost demand from the failure to expand Medicaid is likely to push them over the edge and into recession. Elsewhere it will be close, but probably not: ….

    More than 20 Republican-led states have rejected the Medicaid expansion. The result is about 5 million more Americans without insurance… [and] those states are forgoing about $37 billion in federal funds in 2016 alone…

    After accounting for the multiplier, the absence of the Medicaid expansion and other ObamaCare nullification efforts is putting a downward drag on economic growth in Red States of about 0.5% this year: ….

  3. rd commented on Apr 18

    What I find bizarre about the push to completely repeal the estate tax is that they wealthy already have tools to circumvent much of it. They are just greedy and want it all. The average citizen can get a decent tax break on relatively small assets through the use of Roth or regular IRAs and 401ks. However, these are by no means free of tax altogether.


  4. Jojo commented on Apr 18

    That Time the U.S. Accidentally Nuked Britain’s First Satellite
    April 15, 2015 | Karl Smallwood

    When it comes to nations with a long and rich history of space travel and exploration, Britain isn’t normally a country that comes to most people’s minds. However, they were the third country in the world to operate a satellite in orbit. It’s just a shame America ended up accidentally killing it just a few months later…

    The satellite in question was the Ariel-1, which was developed as a joint-venture between the United States and Britain, with Britain designing and building the core systems of the satellite and NASA launching it into orbit via a Thor-Delta rocket.

    The UK scientists first proposed the idea for Ariel-1 to NASA in 1959 after NASA made an offer to help fly the scientific equipment of other nations into space. Due to the close relationship between the two countries, details were easily and quickly worked out and by the following year, scientists in the UK were given the go ahead to start creating the instrumentation needed, while engineers in the US began work on the satellite that would house the equipment. On the 26th of April, 1962, the first international space effort ever was launched into space and Britain was operating its first satellite.


  5. Jojo commented on Apr 18

    Too funny…
    Roommates stab each other in iPhone versus Android debate
    Jack Holt
    April 17, 2015

    It’s a debate almost as old as time. OK, it’s really not but it’s been a debate since the modern incursion of smartphones pit the iPhone and iOS versus Google’s Android platform. Fanboys on each side, spend announcement days bashing the other company’s newest device while offering quips about how their favorite OS is better. Well it looks like two roommates are paying the price for their ultimate fanboyism as the the men stabbed each other during an iPhone versus Android debate.

    In what could be taken away from a bar brawl movie scene, two roommates in Tulsa, Oklahoma, took the argument to the next level after stabbing each other with broken beer bottles.


    • rd commented on Apr 19

      Wayne LaPierre will be offended by this. A shoot-out would have been much more appropriate in resolving the argument.

  6. VennData commented on Apr 18

    ESPN, Sports Illustrated made up the numbers.

    “…Using data on all 2,016 players drafted between 1996 and 2003, it finds that after two years off the field, just 1.9 percent of former NFL pros have filed for bankruptcy. A dozen years into retirement, 15.7 percent have filed for bankruptcy…”


  7. rd commented on Apr 18

    Re: Civilization reboot

    Don’t overlook the role of religion. The Catholic Church actively suppressed (including burning at the stake) a lot of scientific research for half a millennium. There is a good chance we would have been further along in many fields of science if that suppression had not occurred. There is a good chance that this slowed understanding light and electricity by a century. Part of what would dictate the success of a reboot is how actively people are allowed to think through the problems and information they encounter.

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