10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Don’t Sweat the Fed: A U.S. Rate Increase Won’t Unsettle Markets (Real Time Economics) but see ECB fears ‘abrupt reversal’ for global assets on Fed tightening (Telegraph)
• Shrinking Economy? No, but It’s Not Surging Either (Upshot)
• Dividend Stocks Beat Bonds for Retirement Income (WSJ) see also Citi: Here Are a Bunch of Companies Spending More Money on Their Shareholders Than on Their Businesses (BBRG Business)
• Bond Market’s Fading Inflation View Seen Undercutting Job Gains (Bloomberg)
• A Big Week for Corruption Charges and M&A (Barrons) see also Here’s How The Feds Say The Alleged FIFA Bribery Schemes Worked (Buzzfeed)
• Why Visual Communication Is the Most Important Skill for Journalists in 2015 (HuffPo)
• Appetite & the Brain: New research finds that hunger doesn’t just make people want food—it makes us want more stuff in general (WSJ) see also ‘Distraction is a kind of obesity of the mind. How to reconnect with reality. (The Guardian)
• The Fake Clinton Scandals Are Back (Politico)
• The science of why New York’s bagels taste so damn good (MoJo)
• Mammoth black holes may be on a collision course (Salon)

What are you reading?


Despite Friday’s declines, stocks finish May with gains

week dow weak

Source: WSJ

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  1. Molesworth commented on May 31

    If its not the water, its the air or something.
    Boiling bagels isn’t a big secret. Others do it and they don’t taste like NY bagels.

    • hue commented on May 31

      everybody New Yorker in the restaurant biz says it’s the water for bagels and pizza.

      you can’t get a slice of cheese of pizza to taste like NY pizza outside of manhattan

      why can’t they pump that water (save it, truck it) to Atlanta?

  2. rd commented on May 31

    Re: Shrinking Economy

    I think the end of the bull market is nigh. For a year or two, we have been treated to lots of discussions about why CAPE, Tobins Q, Market Cap/GDP etc. are inappropriate measures of stock market valuation. Now the discussion is shifting over the entire economy by replacing GDP with GDI. However, GDI usually separates from GDP for only a couple of quarters before reverting back to the GDP line. Up-spikes in GDI compared to GDP usually revert back down to GDP instead of the other way around. http://www.businessinsider.com/gross-domestic-income-over-gross-domestic-product-2015-5

    Historically, a rejection of measurements and using replacements that are not usually focused on because this time is different is a pretty good indicator of a bull market on its last legs, although inertia can keep it going for a year or two (1999 is the poster child).

    • willid3 commented on May 31

      its like the trade deals, they dont harm workers. but no one can say how many jobs were lots, or if any were, course they say that jobs were created. always wondered how you would know that if you dont know how many jobs were lost vs how many were created. same argument seems to pop up when companies ‘export’ jobs too. they argue that more jobs were created, even if they dont know what happened to those who lost their jobs. course the other argument is that ‘goods’ or ‘services’ will be cheaper, which seems to not happen, but unless their prices fell to almost 0, it wouldnt matter to most of us, and its not like labor is the biggest expense in most industries.

    • Jojo commented on May 31

      And the same arguments apply to technology advancement via automation and robotics. TPTB have been contending for many years that tech advance is only good and all jobs will be created. What they failed to state was that yes, jobs were created BUT not that there were a lot more jobs destroyed than the amount that gained.

      Also same argument with outsourcing and H1B workers.

      The problem is the failure of the media to ask the hard questions as they fear not getting further interviews if they step on too many toes. Sheeze.

  3. RW commented on May 31

    Dire Predictions, Second Edition: Understanding Climate Change (Paperback – June 2, 2015)

    Explore global warming with graphics, illustrations, and charts that separate climate change fact from fiction, presenting the truth about global warming in a way that’s both accurate and easy to understand. Respected climate scientists Michael E. Mann and Lee R. Kump address important questions about global warming and climate change, diving into the information documented by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and breaking it down into clear graphics that explain complex climate questions in simple illustrations that present the truth of the global warming problem clearly.

    These experts take scientific findings about climate change and global warming and use analogies, striking images, and understandable graphics to make the global warming question clear to both skeptics and scientists. Dire Predictions shows the evidence and the causes that respected scientists have documented in IPCC findings and climate change studies — this powerful, illustrated book is updated with the latest IPCC information and is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding global warming and climate change and in joining the debate over the best way to combat global warming.

  4. RW commented on May 31

    Millennials to Snake People is a Cloud to Butt whose time has come

    Millennials to Snake People is a Chrome extension that, naturally, replaces all instances of the word “millennials” on the web with “snake people.” It’s a handy successor to its highly regarded predecessor, Cloud to Butt, which — well, you get it. …

    Here are some of the real headlines you will enjoy:

    . 7 facts every business should know about snake people
    . Why snake people have sex with fewer partners than their parents did
    . 4 ways my butt helps engage snake people at work

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