10 Thursday AM Reads

For those of you complaining about the lack of volatility, I hope you are happy now! Our vine-ripened morning train reads:

• Fund Managers Who Spit Out Their Own Cooking (Morningstarsee also As Activism Rises, U.S. Firms Spend More on Buybacks Than Factories (WSJ)
• Paulson & Rubin: Why the U.S. Needs to Listen to China, and vice-versa. The importance of the mutual economic criticisms between two major world powers. (The Atlantic)
• The Tanker Market Is Sending a Big Warning to Oil Bulls (Bloombergsee also Iraq About to Flood Oil Market in New Front of OPEC Price War (Bloomberg)
• How FIFA’s Structure Lends Itself To Corruption (fivethirtyeight)
• GMO Scientists Could Save the World From Hunger, If We Let Them (Newsweeksee also You won’t believe the $%#! you’ve been eating (CNN Money)

Continues here


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  1. VennData commented on May 28

    Remember when Latino leaders said Obama could “fix immigration with the stroke of a pen!”?

    … Obama could “fix immigration with the stroke of a pen”




    They were wrong. Time to call them out, in front of their supporters. And get them to focus their ire where all American’s ire should be, on Republicans

    We need action on Immigration, Infrastucture, ISIS.

    • VennData commented on May 28

      Add to every “general misconceptions” list out there:

      You can’t do “this or that” with an election coming…

      The elections are ALWAYS coming. That’s what they’re there for.

    • Robert M commented on May 28


  2. VennData commented on May 28

    FIFA Foofaraw

    Qatar slavery… er… a… In-sourced labor.


    Putin’s own goal


    The lack of support for Sunni anti-ISIS fighters and the US’s attempt a thwarting a Iran bomb may not had abided by the gulf state monarchy’s tantrums (not showing at Camp David.) So The gulf monarchies have to shoose corruption, stagnation, Putin and Iran nukes or America.

    Your choice.

  3. hue commented on May 28

    Let’s count all the ways FIFA is corrupt (vox http://bit.ly/1KsaLRr) FIFA Frantically Announces 2015 Summer World Cup In United States http://onion.com/1G2V6dq futbol, you bet! i always hated soccer, which is supposed to take over american sports since the 1980s

    Dead Sites Posting (the awl http://bit.ly/1J8W72u) unless your site is about one thing, it’s about everything (Fredrik deBoer http://bit.ly/1Broz9y)

    The War Nerd: Doing the math on Alawite casualty numbers http://bit.ly/1GGCcaQ and some people thought the Iraq invasion could lead to a regional war. damned libs, liberators

  4. James Cameron commented on May 28

    > Sign Up at irs.gov Before Crooks Do It For You (Krebs on Security)

    Of course, that’s presently not possible because the IRS Get Transcript online service was hacked and has been shut down for the time being:

    “The online Get Transcript service is currently unavailable. Transcripts may still be ordered using the Get Transcript by Mail service. We apologize for any inconvenience.”

    Hackers stole personal information from 104,000 taxpayers, IRS says

    http://goo.gl/xE6DD7 (WAPO)

  5. grimreaper commented on May 28

    In keeping with Bruce Bartlett’s recent and increasing exposure here and elsewhere, his twitter account today lists 19 instances of academic research citing Fox News as the far-right liars they are. Too numerous to list here. See for yourselves: https://twitter.com/brucebartlett

    • DHM commented on May 28

      Wow! Yes, very incredible. Thanks for sharing the link.I felt compelled to pay the ‘ticket’ price at the end.

  6. Concerned Neighbour commented on May 28

    “For those of you complaining about the lack of volatility, I hope you are happy now!”

    I don’t get it. We’ve been hovering in a narrow band for months on end. There is no volatility.

    Will central banks allow “free markets” to go down given the focus on “wealth effect” policy? As I’ve said for years, I very much expect stocks will never be allowed to go down again. There is no “market” any more; more and more “professional” analysts arrive at this conclusion with each passing day.

  7. Molesworth commented on May 29

    The end of SLR cameras?
    Trying to catch up and failing.
    Remember when Sony was the coolest brand in anything they made?
    VAIO was supposed to connect it all seamlessly – computer, tv, music, mobile, etc- but siloed Japan divisions just would not allow it.
    Now Sony is your father’s Oldsmobile.

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