MiB: Skybridge Capital’s Anthony Scaramucci

This week, our Masters in Business radio podcast, we speak with SkyBridge Capital’s Anthony Scaramucci.

The “Mooch” as he is known, describes how he eventually found success through a series of failures. Fired from the banking department at Goldman Sachs, he managed to get offered a new job 2 months later — in the sales department at Goldman Sachs. There, he helped raise money for Dell Computer back in the early 1990s when the company ran into a little trouble.

When he launched Skybridge as a hedge fund seeder, it faltered. Then the financial crisis hit, and Mooch used the opportunity to acquire the Fund of Fund business from Citigroup, which was divesting noncore assets. The pivot into the FoF business was successful, and the initial funding of a billion dollars in AUM is now closer to $10 billion dollars.

Scaramucci recently acquired the Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street Week, the iconic financial television show that ran for almost 30 years.

Stream the show live at 10am and 6pm today at Bloomberg; listen to the full podcast at Bloomberg, on Apple iTunes or SoundCloud. All of our earlier podcasts are now available on iTunes.

Next week, we speak with Henry Blodget of Business Insider.



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