10 Sunday Reads

My easy-like-Sunday-morning reads:

• Does Contrarian Investing Make Money? (Jeff Macke)
• The May Jobs Report in 12 Charts (Real Time Economics) see also Economists React to the May Jobs Report: ‘Unambiguously Positive’ (Real Time Economics)
• The High Cost of Investing Like a Daredevil (NYT)
• The Lawsuit Machine Going After Student Debtors: “This is robosigning 2.0” (Bloomberg)
• The value of land: A Leveraged Bet On House Prices? (Pieria)
• The Political Roots of Widening Inequality: The key to understanding the rise in inequality isn’t technology or globalization. It’s the power of the moneyed interests to shape the underlying rules of the market. (Prospect)
• The American coal industry is collapsing (Fusion) but see EPA Study of Fracking Finds ‘No Widespread, Systemic’ Pollution (Bloomberg)
• Congress tries to hide a submarine: Inside the fight to take a $90 billion submarine off the books. (Politico)
• David Byrne Does Paul Simon (“The World’s Biggest Prick” According To Some Dude In Los Lobos) (Stereogum)
• The most valuable car collection ever to be auctioned is coming this year, and it’s pretty incredible (The Verge)

What are you reading?



New Generation of Robots for Manufacturing

Source: WSJ


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  1. ilsm commented on Jun 7

    “National Sea Based Deterrence Fund”.

    The political sponsors of navy shipyard welfare are hard at it.

    The Missile Defense Agency (National Hit a Bullet with an Expensive Jobs Program Fund) and F-35 (National Retire Good Aircraft Fund), USSPACECOM (National Fund to Buy Russian Motors, and Get Elon Musk to the Trough) are already sponsors of sections of pentagon trough wastage and fraud.

    More separated funding “lines” for different warfare welfare (“fighting” functions looking for excuse to create profits) sectors so the internal politics or most rarely common sense of the pentagon revolving door “brass” don’t get in the way of good jobs in districts for systems divorced from reality.

    While State and the generals are making up reasons for keeping garrisons all over the empire…… billion dollar US Army medical complex in part for US retirees in Germany.

    • Robert M commented on Jun 7

      Do you have reference for Army complex?

  2. hue commented on Jun 7

    war nerd classics from the Exile
    Who Won Iraq? Anyone Who Stayed Out? http://bit.ly/1HTtS41 // Glory to the French http://bit.ly/1cEExXo frog bashing at it’s height dubya vs. Kerry. how can Americans remember the Revolution when we remember the Ayatollah and hostages but not Mossadegh? http://nyti.ms/2QEAlQ

    Egg rationing in America has officially begun http://wapo.st/1HeLqeX can’t let them eat cake

    How Breck Girl’s agenda conquered the GOP http://wapo.st/1HeLECD during the dark days of the bush years, i read a lot of liberal blogs, dailykos etc. they were all nuts for Edwards in 04, of course he had no shot

  3. hue commented on Jun 7

    Los Lobos was rocking during the decade of Duran Duran and big hair. another 80s classic (alternative), birth school work death, the godfathers http://bit.ly/1KimfsP

  4. Jojo commented on Jun 7

    The world’s potentially catastrophic gas problem
    Massive amounts of powerful methane gas under the Arctic have some scientists worried about apocalyptic results.

    Jassim Mater | 10 May 2015

    Moscow, Russia – Warmth is not a word normally associated with Russia’s far northern extremities, one of the coldest places in the world with temperatures sometimes dropping to -50 degrees Celsius.

    But under the East Siberian Arctic Shelf a process is taking place that could make the world hot enough to drive most life on the planet to extinction.

    Or it could do nothing.

    Trapped under the area’s seabed and permafrost is about 50 billion tonnes of methane gas. Increasing global temperatures have caused the Arctic ice to thaw faster, accelerating the release of the powerful greenhouse gas, scientists say.


  5. Robert M commented on Jun 7

    OK let’s end this now; In my fevered imagination to whom do I write the check, 1959 Ferrari 250 GT LWB California Spider. ALL IN!!

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