MiB: Dambisa Moyo on Why China Can’t Afford a Slowdown

This week on our Masters in Business radio podcast, we speak with international economist Dambisa Moyo.

Moyo, named by Time magazine as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World,” says that China’s slowdown creates a challenge for the government: if it wants to double per-capita income over the course of a generation it needs to sustain growth of 7 percent. The author of three New York Times bestselling books, including “Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa,” Moyo is critical of the way Western aid has led to corruption while failing to improve living standards for most Africans.

You can hear the full podcast on iTunesSoundCloud and on Bloomberg. Earlier podcasts can be found on iTunes and at BloombergView.com.

Next week, on the fifth anniversary of Dodd-Frank, we discuss regulations with former Securities and Exchange Commissioner Chairman Arthur Levitt.


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