10 Monday AM Reads

Welcome back to the monkey house. Cuba, Apple, Hedgies, Greece all get featured in our Monday morning train reads:

• The Case Against Hedge Fund Managers (Chief Investment Officer)
• Inside the Brain of Peter Lynch, Investing Genius (Investing Caffeine)
• Cuba’s Next Revolution: Real Estate (World Property Journal)
• Why is Bitcoin forking? (Medium)
• Donald Trump, Through the Ages. (McSweeney’s)

Continues here




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  1. rd commented on Aug 17

    Apparently the WSJ editorial board did a Rip van Winkle, snoozed through the past 30 years, and missed the emergence of companies like Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, Charles Schwab, RWM, Wealthfront, etc. There are plenty of vehicles out there to get low cost, well-diversified solutions with varying levels of advice. Based on what I am seeing with a couple of relative’s portfolios where they were “assisted” by “financial advisors” a reduction in the availability of advice of the sort that the WSJ is touting will be quite beneficial to the average investor.


  2. willid3 commented on Aug 17

    who knew that austerity by it self, without debt relief will end up in failure. its not like we had a bankruptcy plans around the world is it?

  3. farmera1 commented on Aug 17

    Kodak and the digital camera that was invented by a Kodak employee.

    An entrenched company (especially big and profitable), doesn’t change directions easily. Pretty much Kodak didn’t want to market the digital camera for fear it would cannibalize film sales (and oh the impact on performance bonuses you know those short term bonus things that management lives for).


    Kodak is no more. Bankrupt and gone.

    • willid3 commented on Aug 17

      along with poloroid

  4. just-sayin commented on Aug 17

    Re : Cuba real estate. My wife is a Cuban defector (to Canada) and I convinced her to buy an apartment in Havana recently for a ridiculously low (relatively speaking) price as an investment or bargaining chip for future considerations. I am sure that as things improve in Cuba, the value will rise and so will the desirability of wintering in Cuba. As nice as the resorts may be for some….living day to day in Cuba is still not comparable to other places such as Mexico. My biggest complaint is lack of internet. Typically you spend 10$ an hour for a dial up type connection.

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