10 Sunday Morning Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• 5 Things Investors Shouldn’t Do Now (Briefly)
• The worst question of them all (Bason Asset Managementsee also The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Irrelevant Investor)
• The Volition Bias (Crossing Wall Street)
• Soaring Art Market Attracts a New Breed of Advisers for Collectors (NYT)
• Mario Gabelli: Stock-Picking Treasure or Relic? (WSJ)
• 4 charts that show how today’s tech boom is different from the 1990s (Vox)
• Does too much porn numb sexual pleasure? (Aeon)
• The 10 most cringeworthy Fox News interviews of the last decade (Salon)
• When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug (Media Matters)
• John Gruber evicerates dumb AOL/TechCrunch piece headlined “Don’t Be Apple” (Daring Fireball)

What are you reading?



Chinese Exports, Down but Not Out

Source: WSJ



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  1. Jojo commented on Aug 23

    Dammit, Congress: Just Buy NASA its Own Space Taxi, Already
    Mika McKinnon
    8/12/15 11:15am

    Ever since the shuttle program ended, NASA has been paying Russia to ferry U.S. astronauts to the International Space Station. But the price-per-seat aboard Russia’s spacecraft has gotten ridiculous. The solution is clear and cost-effective: The US needs its own space taxis. So why won’t Congress pay for it?

    When the Space Shuttles retired, NASA planned on replacing their functionality by subsidizing the development of private spacecraft, by companies like SpaceX and Boeing, with its Commercial Crew Program and Commercial Resupply Services contracts. These programs would help pay for spacecraft that would carry crew and cargo to the International Space Station, respectively.

    So far, The Commercial Resupply Service has worked out great. Yes, occasionally an explosion destroys a payload, but that’s to be expected; spaceflight is hard and everyone’s rocket veers off-course sometimes. But for the most part, the astronauts have been kept well-supplied with coffee and experiments.

    But NASA is having a much harder time getting the Commercial Crew Program off the ground. The Commercial Crew Program is an incremental development program where private companies compete to meet specific development milestones in constructing spacecraft to fulfill NASA’s human spaceflight needs. The program is down to just two vehicles—both the Boeing Corporation’s CST-100 and the SpaceX Crew Dragon are contracted to finish certification and start carrying astronauts to the International Space Station. Both vehicles are performing well, and each has passed qualification tests. Meanwhile, the International Space Station is being modified so that the space taxis will be able to dock in low-Earth orbit. Conceptually, the Commercial Crew Program looks a lot like the Commercial Resupply program. So what’s the holdup?


    Dammit, Congress: Just Buy NASA its Own Space Taxi, Already1


  2. Jojo commented on Aug 23

    Sugru is amazing fix-it stuff that should be in every house. I’ve used it for years. Here are some ideas on how others have used it to fix or improve a variety of things in their lives.
    Sugru Community Update

  3. Mayson commented on Aug 23

    Jon Gruber is the healthcare guy. John Gruber is the Apple guy.


    ADMIN: Fixed — thanks!

  4. DeDude commented on Aug 23

    Yes the Clinton rules are indeed in place. Karl Rowe ran his entire operation of an RNC server that conveniently “lost” messages whenever there was an investigation – and the media was all crickets. No big deal with a few lost emails – right Fox?

    • RW commented on Aug 23

      Colin Powell used private email for official business while in office and there is reason to believe Condi Rice did as well (her spox denies it).

  5. RW commented on Aug 23

    Paul Krugman Is Wrong

    … I disagree with Krugman’s analysis of why people are against federal borrowing. He does his usual great job explaining the economic and financial reasons that borrowing makes sense, especially in the current very low interest rate environment, and he’s absolutely right that the scolds and naysayers are substantively wrong.

    But Krugman doesn’t get to the real problem: it’s not that the scolds and naysayers don’t understand the economics of government borrowing, it’s that the facts don’t matter to them.

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