10 Tuesday AM Reads

We have dug up quite an eclectic set of morning train reads for you to start your day with:

• Theft, Lies, and Facebook Video: Facebook says it’s now streaming more video than YouTube. To be able to make that claim, all they had to do was cheat, lie, and steal (Medium)
• Hey, investment cranks: The Internet never forgets (Washington Post)
• Stock Guru Bill Miller Is Back But the Questions and Pain Linger (Bloomberg)
• CEO pay out of line with free markets (Dallas Morning News)
• Winners of the 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest (The Atlantic)

Continues here



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    • just-sayin commented on Aug 5

      As you can see…this type of incident is big news in Canada….(its in the NY Times, eh?).
      Whereas….its more like a daily occurrence in the US … would it make the 11PM news?

  1. VennData commented on Aug 4

    Carly Firona on the $20.

    ​”…​Asked who he’d put on a new version of the bill, Santorum tells the crowd at Monday’s night GOP presidential forum in New Hampshire that “Carly’s a pretty good choice. Put Carly on the bill.”..​​


    Not only for saving HP and near Senate run in California, and for leaving Lucent in such excellent shape. but her downright likability. And brilliant insight to prove California enviromental rules are causing the drought.

    • VennData commented on Aug 4

      With all the teachers leaving the red states, the next gerneration won’t be able to COUNT to twenty.

      Cut that teacher pay and give tax cuts to Donald Trump! (GOP voters agree.)

  2. VennData commented on Aug 4

    Great quote from Dallas on CEO pay…

    “…an increasing number of academic studies has shown that paying large performance bonuses — mainly stock options — doesn’t increase a company’s stock price, earnings or any other measure of corporate success…”

    Ever wonder why right wingers mock academics? They don’t want data that doesn’t fit the narrative floating around in their febrile minds.

  3. RC commented on Aug 4

    I had earlier pointed to this deceitful behavior by Facebook (regarding cheating on video views).

    Let me make a categorical statement : “Facebook will never become a source of video repository and searchable video content like YouTube is”….

    (And I am being fully mindful of our insightful host’s words of wisdom : “The internet never forgets” …..)

  4. VennData commented on Aug 4

    Nikki Haley Governor of North Carolina on CNBC saying America needs to step up the way she did to keep wages low.

    Yeah GOP voters, the Republicans will really go all out to get wages up for you.

    ROFL, you people are such suckers.

    Oh and the minimum wage is what killed Puerto Rico. And Planned Parenthood.

  5. VennData commented on Aug 4

    It’s Wrong to Call Donald Trump a ‘Fringe’ Candidate

    ​”…The idea, in essence, is that Trump has a strong but narrow appeal to a group of mouth-breathing xenophobes and practically nobody else…”​


    ​Let me be blunt. The vast majority of Republicans support policies ​that only would be supported by mouth-breathing xenophobes, because they are so emotionally tied to their “feelings” about The GOP.

    The Republicans are a fringe party.

    • VennData commented on Aug 4

      Donald Trump will run as a third party, the “true” Tea Party.


      He’ll get 15-25% of the national vote. A list of names and addresses of suckers he’ll be able to target TV shows, ties, and anything else he wants to sell to them

  6. winstongator commented on Aug 4

    “Is Bill Miller, 65, truly a great investor or does his aggressive stock-buying strategy, scooping up out-of-favor companies, merely magnify the broader market trends — up a lot when times are good, down a lot when times are bad?”

    Does this question get answered? Sure he’s done well over the past 3 years, but on longer year windows: “And his Opportunity Trust still trails 96 percent of peers over 10 years and 93 percent over 15, according to Russel Kinnel, director of mutual fund research at Morningstar.”

    Would I want to invest with this guy? No.

    • rd commented on Aug 4

      I think he is a very good stock picker. The problem is that his mutual fund got swamped with money when he was on a winning streak. It is very difficult for big mutual funds to do as well as smaller ones.

      Once his fund tanked and got smaller due to people fleeing, then he could restart his style.

      His fund is the classic example of good long-term performance on a straight total-return chart not even remotely resembling the bad investor dollar-weighted returns as people bought at a high and bailed after it plunged.

  7. Jojo commented on Aug 4

    Chinese factory replaces 90% of humans with robots, production soars
    Changying Precision Technology Company in Dongguan city has set up an unmanned factory run almost entirely by robots. The factory has since seen fewer defects and a higher rate of production.

    Conner Forrest
    July 30, 2015

    The gravest fear that has rippled through humanity from the technology industry is that, someday, almost all of our jobs will be replaced by robots.

    While that fear is often laughed off as something that will only happen far into the future, the truth is that it’s actually happening right now.

    In Dongguan City, located in the central Guangdong province of China, a technology company has set up a factory run almost exclusively by robots, and the results are fascinating.


  8. VennData commented on Aug 4

    Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin (R) is in some serious debt.

    National Journal’s Shane Goldmacherreported Monday that new federal financial documents showed that Walker had credit-card debts totaling more than $20,000 from two separate cards.

    The personal financial disclosure forms filed with the Federal Election Commission also revealed that Walker owed another $100,000 in student-loan debt for his children.

    One of the debts is via Barclays and is estimated to be between $10,000 and $15,000. The interest rate on the debt is 27.24%.

    The other credit-card debt is via Bank of America from 2011. On that debt, Walker also owes between $10,000 and $15,000, with an interest rate of 11.99%.

    Walker’s assets, by comparison, are not substantial. In the documents, he listed six investments totaling between $1,000 and $15,000, a life-insurance policy,


    I guess you DO need a college education to make a decent living in this country

  9. VennData commented on Aug 4

    “Google! I demand to be forgotten!”

    – Peter Schiff

  10. RW commented on Aug 4

    Live from the Big T– Mountains

    Gilder, Moore, Steil, Schiff, DeMint. Would it be possible to put together a set of speakers who have been more wrong in their predictions over the past generation about how the economy works, and less willing to do anything to mark their beliefs to market? I do not think so…

    American Principles Project: FIVE WEEKS: Historic Economic Summit to Take Place in Jackson Hole, Wyoming August 27-29: “The first official Jackson Hole Summit is just five weeks away…

    NB: Apparently this “historic economic summit” was scheduled across the street at the same time as the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s annual Jackson Hole Symposium. I suppose it could be a draw when audience at the FRB conference feels the need for comic relief …maybe if they offered guests rotten vegetables to hurl at speakers it would improve the odds of a good draw.

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