Economists, Money Managers Gather in Maine for Camp Kotok

Source: The Street

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  1. bkilzer commented on Aug 11

    Sounds like a mellow, co-ed anti-Bohemian Grove.

  2. hoopsjunkie commented on Aug 11

    Maine really has some pretty lakes and a lot of them, I gotta get back there some day

    • intlacct commented on Aug 14

      It’s funny – a substantial bit of financial problems would be solved if people simply worked in places there are jobs for, say 40 jaaren, saved a bit and lived in retirement in places there aren’t jobs (say, Maine, esp. the backwoods).

  3. maddog2020 commented on Aug 11

    Thanks for coming to Maine! Did you manage to talk any sense into our crack-pot Governor?

    • Philippa Dunne commented on Aug 12

      What do you think, maddog2020? And he stood us up!

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