10 Friday AM Reads

Short week moves us that much closer to the next FOMC meeting. Don’t forget our morning train reads:

• Sentiment Is So Bearish That Maybe It’s Bullish (Dr. Ed’s Blogbut see What caused the equity crash? (FT)
•  A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Charlie Munger about Risk (25iq)
• America’s Never-Ending Stadium Boondoggle: You and I continue to foot a large part of the bill for America’s billionaire sports owners. (CityLab)
• How the Original Insult War With Donald Trump Was Waged (Bloomberg)
• Jeb Bush and the Return of Voodoo Economics (New Yorkersee also Dynamic Voodoo: Bush! tax! cuts! (NYT)

Continues here



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  1. VennData commented on Sep 11

    “…General Electric might relocate…The Journal says bids from Cincinnati and Dallas have been ruled out because of their states’ refusal to reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank…”


    Tea Party antics costing business. Hilarious how Jack Welch’s favorite candidate is Ted Cruz, who is the Texas Tea Party mascot.

    You keep on spouting off GOP Media Machine noise makers.

  2. VennData commented on Sep 11

    Tax cuts for the rich!

    “…If pressed, Kemp and his supporters conceded that all of that pent-up energy and enterprise might not fully offset the fall in tax revenues…”

    All those deals on Shark Tank for Organic Jewelry would get funded if government would just cut taxes. And if the deficit grows, just cut taxes more!

    VennData would support Jeb Bush’s tax cuts if he and his Congressional friends cut spending to match first. THEN cut taxes. Not let spending rise every year the way Reagan and the smart brother W did.

  3. VennData commented on Sep 11

    U.S. can still borrow through late October


    ​Write your Congress​person. Demand we get rid of this silly debt limit rule. If Congress wants less debt, then stop increasing spending! I’ts like sticking a finger down your throat hours after you’ve eaten too much cake.

    Imagine if the resources used to calculate this every six months was used to analyse the cost effectiveness of regulations, instead of the Republican love of spectacle.

  4. DeDude commented on Sep 11

    Why did GOP politics leave data driven economic reality behind.


    On who and why there are takers for the hard money “hyperinflation” idea in spite of it failure to reflect real world observations again and again and again….

    “and by the quasi-moral sense of old white men that they earned their money and printing the stuff must be destructive”

    or is it: printing the stuff and handing it out to “those people” is an abomination.

    • VennData commented on Sep 11

      Mount McKinley! Flag burning! Kim Davis!

    • intlacct commented on Sep 11

      great points, Venn. GOP reminds me of a teenager who lashes out at everything because they want power but are clearly too irresponsible and insane to handle it.

  5. DeDude commented on Sep 11

    Another austerian gets it wrong


    Amazing, if this moron would do his job and institute a massive stimulus spending plan in his country then Draghi wouldn’t need to do all that QE. Instead of doing his job so we don’t need to risk assets bubbles from QE, he demand that Draghi also should fail to do his. Long-term structural reform is something you deal with AFTER you fixed the stalling economy.

  6. Jojo commented on Sep 11

    ‘Lifesaving’ Study Urges New Goals on Blood Pressure
    SEPT. 11, 2015

    Declaring they had “potentially lifesaving information,” federal health officials said on Friday that they were ending a major study more than a year early because it has already conclusively answered a question cardiologists have puzzled over for decades: how low should blood pressure go?

    The answer: way lower than the current guidelines.


  7. willid3 commented on Sep 11

    doj clamping down?


    after the horses have left?

    and the corporate logic?>
    If you ask, corporate criminal defense attorneys will tell you — as they have told me — the one thing their corporate clients want to avoid when facing off against the federal government is an admission of wrongdoing — to have to plead guilty to the crimes they have committed.

    Everything else is possible.

    Pay huge fines? No problem.

    Accept a monitor to report back to the government? Bring it on, especially if the company gets to approve the monitor.

    Turn over executives responsible for the crimes? Under the bus they go.

    But no guilty pleas for the corporate parent.

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