10 Thursday AM Reads

Well, the day is finally here, and quite frankly, I find the whole Will They Wont They thingie reminiscent of a bad RomCom. Instead, try some of our fresh brewed, full bodied morning train reads:

• Failure of the BRICS reveals the folly of snazzy acronyms (Telegraph)
• Macro events, early sixties and seventies, make today’s noise level in the market look like a kindergartener at play after nap time (Forbessee also Too Many Maybes (Irrelevant Investor)
• Not All Interest Rates Are Created Equal (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• The proper response to a sovereign downgrade by a major credit rater is: “Who cares?” (BV)
• Why the Arctic’s Big Mosquito Problem Is Getting a Lot Worse (National Geographic)

Jim never has a second cup at home . . .


Continues here


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    • rd commented on Sep 17

      The last really good business person in the White House was Herbert Hoover…….

    • VennData commented on Sep 17

      Carly is a good businessperson!

      “I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ This is about the character of our nation. If we will not stand up and force President Obama to veto this bill, shame on us!” Fiorina said, drawing raucous applause.


      GOP Hero will definitely hold The Base with that one. No exaggeration, No Straw man. Just plain talking Uber sucessful Carly.

    • Iamthe50percent commented on Sep 18

      Why would anyone harvest the brain? Except Carly. She seems to need a brain transplant.

  1. VennData commented on Sep 17

    Was Ted Cruz at the debate last night?

  2. VennData commented on Sep 17

    Jeb Bush Stands On His Tippy Toes For Group Picture At The Debate Last Night


    He hearded that the tallerest person gets picked. Pick me! Pick me! I tallerest! I high five!

    Go boy Jeb. Here’s a donation.

  3. BTUR commented on Sep 17

    Continuing with the theme of the DOJ refusing to actually prosecute any white-collar criminals:


    Cost of doing business for GM. GM can’t take care of it’s executives if they’re held criminally liable and thrown in jail, but as long as the DOJ only hands out fines for criminal misconduct, well…business can take care of their executives. At the expense of investors, of course, and in GM’s case, taxpayers as well…

    My question is: do companies go out and find people to sue them for wrongdoing as part of a class-action to wrap the issue up and get the liability off their books as cheaply and quickly as possible while making sure every other victim can only be compensated according to the class-action results?

    • willid3 commented on Sep 17

      they got off cheap didnt they? after all the banksters had to pay a few billion

  4. VennData commented on Sep 17

    Fed does nothing.

    Boy that bond market is sure “smarter” than the equity markets. Especially those two-year note traders.

    Doesn’t the idea of a bunch of red-faced Ted Cruz supporting, Rick Santelli types staring into screens getting capital calls on the bond futures?

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