10 Thursday AM Reads

Good Thursday morning. Our Wal-Mart-free morning train reads, brewed fresh for your enjoyment:

• The Stanford Endowment Experiment: What went wrong at the world’s most innovative university. (Chief Investment Officer)
• Advisers Are Pitching Direct Lending As An Asset Class (Climateer Investingsee e.g., How to Smartly Invest in Shadow Banking (Barron’s)
• The 129 finance people you have to follow on Twitter (Business Insider)
• Did Astronomers Find Evidence of an Alien Civilization? Probably Not. But Still Cool (Slatesee also The Most Mysterious Star in Our Galaxy (The Atlantic)
• ‘Bloom County’ And Opus The Penguin Return After A 25-Year Hiatus (NPR)

Continues here

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    • VennData commented on Oct 15

      Can they drown the US Southern states so America can return to a functioning democracy?

    • Jojo commented on Oct 15

      How come none of these stories publish the actual list or a link to it?

    • intlacct commented on Oct 15

      So what if New York or Miami submerge. Who really gives a sh*t?

  1. VennData commented on Oct 15

    Dennis Hastert Reaches Plea Deal in Bank Withdrawals Case

    ​​​If the Republicans would stop insisting on using his “Hastert Rule” and reach across the aisle to pass budget, get rid of the debt ceiling nonsense, immigration, ​and infrastructure no one would be squawking about the morons in the Freedom Caucus except talk radio, pseudo patriot websites, and the grocery store tabloids.​


    Oh sorry I forgot, the problem is Obama never slurps down G&Ts in a tanning booth with Boehner to keep government moving.

    LOL where’s that bullshit GOP Media Machine meme now?

  2. VennData commented on Oct 15

    Obama is so aloof. He doesn’t go up to Capitol Hill and meet with the GOP leaders who are so eager to govern.

  3. howardoark commented on Oct 15

    see This astonishing chart shows how moderate Republicans are an endangered species (Wonkblog)

    So only 10% of the house democrats are liberal? That must be news to the 43 members of the Black Congressional Caucus (23% of the total), the Latino Caucus (12% of the total), the five Democratic-Farmer-Labor members from Minnesota (2.6% of the total), the Congressional Progressive Caucus (37% of the total – probably quite a bit of overlap there) and Nancy Pelosi. How do we kick those DINOs out and get some real progressives elected; people VennData will approve of?

  4. VennData commented on Oct 15

    Kasich Vows to Cut Taxes and Balance Federal Budget in Eight Years

    “… The plan would shift authority and funding to states and create an environment for growth and job-creation, Kasich said. He said his ideas would increase revenue by almost 50 percent…”


    …meaning over 6% GDP/income growth for every year! Starting immediately!! And lollipops for everyone. And a 17% bump in Defense!

    Do the Republican voters skip algebra? No wonder these right wing hedge funds don’t beat the market averages, they’re all innumerate. And GOP innumeracy certainly explains why people INVEST in hedge funds.

    Why not stay the course? Obama has halved the deficit with his increases in taxes on the rich while the economy continues to grow as the rest of the world stagnates.

    • Jojo commented on Oct 16

      If you vote for me, I will follow in the footsteps of Republican Herbert Hoover in 1928 and promise everyone “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.”!

      What more could anyone want?

  5. PhilW commented on Oct 15

    Why should universities sit on such a huge amount of money? The raised over $900 million in each of the last 3 years. Trying to get a general idea about the yearly finances is a joke if you look at their finances page on their website – they seem to combine funds from restricted funds with the actual school finances. I can’t see endowment money being used to pay for items that have already got funding from outside, so those finances should be completely separate – the school is payed a set percentage from the outside grants/other for administrative costs.

  6. intlacct commented on Oct 15

    I was watching Hardball with Chris Mathews in the leadup to the ‘Soporific in Sin City’ (the Democratic debate). He was questioning some analyst about Bernie Sanders and whether health care was a right. And he says something like – so every 15 year old will have health care? how can we afford that? (I know I am not getting the quote quite right.) But this is the level of debate in the US: the former assistant to the House Majority leader, a legendary liberal, 65-70 years old so he knows what Medicare is and he knows how not to say something stupid – wonders aloud about the feasibility of what is done in every other civilized country on earth and every one of the other 30-odd countries in the OECD, what many of them have been doing for 70+ years, and what is done for every 65 year old in this country. Think about the counter to his question: So, it is not a right? If you are an unlucky 15 year old (why not a new born who needs a vaccine?), you are on your own? Plenty of money for bombs and bail outs – no money for health care, college or retirement. Great values.

    • ilsm commented on Oct 16


      The US only gives its residence the right to the “common defense” of the Sprately Islands or anywhere else where a new Tojo might infringe on the US’ empire.

      No other OEDC nation is “armed up” to simultaneously take on China and Russia (as well as nation build in Iraq and Afghanistan) with the same equipment, only far more expensive, used to fight the Empire of japan.

      If every 15 year old in America had health care US could not send ships to control what China wants to do in its near ocean.


      “Two spaces after the period”!!!!

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