Snake Oil Supplements?

In light of a recent study showing dietary supplements lead to 20,000 E.R. visits yearly (but out of how many total?), I thought we should revisit this issue


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Source: Information Is Beautiful

Dietary Supplements Lead to 20,000 E.R. Visits Yearly, Study Finds

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  1. catman commented on Oct 15

    I was in line at Costco last week and the snake oil was flying out the door. Mega vitamin therapy, Amway, and even Linus Pauling have contributed to this unregulated craze. Anecdotal evidence gone wild.

  2. farmera1 commented on Oct 16

    Mayo Clinic provides a very useful guide on herbs, supplements and vitamins. Each is given a grade from A-F based on research evidence. They list about 40 items, if there is no evidence for an item, it doesn’t even make the list.

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