10 Monday AM Reads

Back in NY and ready to jump right into the fray with out hand-curated, morning train reads:

• Why Due Diligence Is Broken, and How 18 CIOs Would Fix It (CIO)
• The Discovery of Statistical Regression (Pricenomicssee also Playing the Probabilities (Wealth of Common Sense)
• The Uberization of Money (WSJ)
• Human Cost Rises as Old Bridges, Dams and Roads Go Unrepaired (NYT)
• Maybe Financial Markets Have Been Wrong All Along (Bloomberg View)
Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview with Jeff Maggioncalda of Financial Engines.

Continues here



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    • willid3 commented on Nov 9

      while Medicare replaced insurance for the elderly, it wasnt like they werent leaving in droves, cause its just profitable for them. insurance really only works if there are more policy holders than those filing claims. and its has to be pretty darn close to 100-1 ration. and you dont see that sort of claim data for elderly, they tend to have a lot of claims, and a big chunk of them arent small ones

    • JKoen commented on Nov 9

      I really wish it would. I am on my third dental plan in three years and still can not find one that has my childhood dentist in network.

  1. RW commented on Nov 9

    Higher learning is clearly important for employment prospects and other things but exactly what is important about it is subject to some debate.

    Case-Deaton and the human capital debate
    Everyone is talking about the Case-Deaton paper that shows an increase in mortality among American white people. Most people have noted that the increase is concentrated among less-educated whites. …

    This paper provides some hard data to corroborate a story we have been seeing elsewhere: College-educated Americans are significantly healthier in their personal, family, and social lives. To me this indicates that education has acted to partially innoculate (sic) Americans against the overall negative changes that are affecting our society. …

  2. VennData commented on Nov 9

    “…In many ways, Mr. Trump has set the tone for the embroidery: His grandiose and sweeping claims have generated an entirely new category of overstatement in American politics…”


    Nonsense. Reagan’s “tax cuts will lower deficits” was a lie. When Bush tried it, it failed. When Brownback tried it in Kansas, it failed.

    This is how Republicans win. Buying promising freebies to the affluent whites who and sticking everyone else with a great share of future government debts payments.

    • VennData commented on Nov 9

      Bachelor? How did that get in there? Ukrainian hackers in a httprequest back door left by Al Gore?

    • Winchupuata commented on Nov 9

      Yeap, because the American athletes are not all juiced to the gills as well. This only proves Americans have a better doping program than the Russians since they haven’t been caught yet.

  3. DeDude commented on Nov 9

    Why is it that conservatives always want to keep both the electorate and themselves un-informed. Don’t they get that stupid policy will be stupid even if not recognized as such when you decide for it ?


    Canadian scientists have been un-muzzled. Lets hope they will use that newfound freedom to tell the public about all the information that the Harper government kept away from the public during they reign.

  4. Jojo commented on Nov 9

    Robots may shatter the global economic order within a decade
    ‘The pace of disruptive technological innovation has gone from linear to parabolic,’ says Bank of America

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    05 Nov 2015

    Robots will take over 45pc of all jobs in manufacturing and shave $9 trillion off labour costs within a decade, leaving great swathes of the global society on the historical scrap heap.

    In a sweeping 300-page report, Bank of America predicts that robots and other forms of artificial intelligence will transform the world beyond recognition as soon as 2025, shattering old business models in a whirlwind of “creative disruption”, with transformation effects ultimately amounting to $30 trillion or more each year.

    “The pace of disruptive technological innovation has gone from linear to parabolic,” it said. Any country that fails to embrace the robot revolution will slip rapidly down the rankings of competiveness, and will be left behind.

    South Korea is currently in the lead with 440 industrial robots per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry, followed by Japan and Germany. Britain is languishing far behind at 75, one of lowest levels in the developed world, the dark side of the UK’s low-productivity labour policies.


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