MiB: Ron Rhoades

On this week’s Masters in Business radio podcast, I speak with Attorney and Professor Ron Rhoades of Western Kentucky University. Rhoades is an expert on regulations of asset management firms. Our discussion ranged from basics of what the Fiduciary standard is to the ethics of how asset management firms should be run. Its a little inside baseball, but if you work in the asset management side of finance, its must listen.

Rhoades has been a zealous advocate for the Fiduciary Standard, frequently testifying in front of Congress, the SEC, and the Department of Labor.

He has also been a gadfly to FINRA, challenging many of their policies as anti-investor. He helped to turn back FINRA’s attempt to become the SRO for Registered Investment Advisors, and has been highly critical of their arbitration process.

Download the full podcast at iTunes and SoundCloud and Bloomberg.com. Earlier podcasts can be found on iTunes and at Bloombergview.com.

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