10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Are We Headed for Recession? (Bloomberg) but see What US credit signal says about economy (FT)
Shiller: How Stories Drive the Stock Market (The Upshot)
• The Fear Principles (A Wealth of Common Sense) but see Investors are still too bullish despite the stock market correction (Marketwatch)
• Why Does Pessimism Sound So Smart? (Motley Fool)
• How Larry Page’s Obsessions Became Google’s Business (NYT)
• How Successful People Network with Each Other (HBR) 
• These are the world’s best countries. (Sorry, America — you’re No. 4.) (Washington Post)
• RNC Fires Racist Dirtbag Magazine For Being Mean To Racist Dirtbag Candidate (Wonkette)
• How government poisoned the people of Flint (MLive)
• Stone-age massacre offers earliest evidence of human warfare (The Guardian)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Dan Biederman of the Bryant Park Corporation and Biederman Ventures. 


Deutsche Bank Has Lagged Behind Peers in Cutting Jobs

Source: Bloomberg



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