10 Monday AM Reads

Fight your way through your post-Oscar hangover with the finest morning train reads in the land:

• 3 Paths to Outperformance: Find the market’s dummies, accept more risk, or use cash effectively. (Morningstar)
• The Deadly Trading Bias Affecting Stock Market Traders (Forbes)
• The Case for a New Economic Stimulus Package (New Yorker) see also The Cases for Public Investment (Krugman)
• Science Confirms: Politics Wrecks Your Ability to Do Math. (Raw Story)
• The Oscars, Movie Quotes and Finance (Above the Market)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Emanuel Derman, former head of the Goldman Sachs Quantitative Strategies Group, now Director of Columbia University Master’s program in financial engineering.

Continues here

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