10 Thursday AM Reads

The stock rout continues. At least, you have the finest morning train reads in the land to put some positivity into your day:

• The simple rule at the heart of finance is being broken (Quartz)
• Does Ethical-Based Investing Impact Returns? (MutualFunds.com)
• What Is The Real Jobless Rate? 4.9 percent? 9.9%? 42%? (Upshot)
• Mortgage Rates Well Into Mid 3’s (Mortgage News Daily) see also Hyperinflation Paranoia Guides the Fed (Bloomberg View)
• This is the most detailed map yet of our place in the universe (Vox) see also We’ve found evidence the Milky Way is one of hundreds of galaxies being sucked in by the ‘Great Attractor’ (Business Insider)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Allianz’ Mohammed El-Erian.

Continues here



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