MiB: Ethan Harris, BAML

In our latest Masters in Business podcast, we speak with Bank america Merrill Lynch’s co-head of global economic research, Ethan Harris.

Harris is a history buff, as well as an expert on interest rates and monetary policy. He began his career as a researcher at the NY Fed, eventually rising to chief economist at Lehman Brothers. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University, where he also serves as a university fellow. Harris is also the author of Ben Bernanke’s Fed: The Federal Reserve After Greenspan.

Our conversation on the state of the global economy was very accessible and jargon-free. His description of the final days at Lehman Brothers was fascinating.

You can stream the full podcast below, or download it on Apple iTunesBloomberg, or SoundCloud. All of our earlier podcasts are (yay!) available on iTunesSoundcloud and Bloomberg.


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