10 Tuesday AM Reads

My Two-for-Tuesday morning train reads:

• How the Investing Industry Could Change (Motley Fool) see also The Tide Turns: Consumers are finally revolting against an outdated industry (The Economist)
• The Great Divide over Market Efficiency (Institutional Investor)
• Odd Lots: The Fraught Life of the (Dumpster-Diving, Chicken-Farming) American Short Seller (Bloomberg)
• VC: “I think we’re in a phase where we’re realizing that the people who have been allocating capital thus far have done a horrendous job” (Vanity Fair)
• $15-an-Hour Minimum Wage in California? Plan Has Some Worried (NYT) but see Robots are coming for your job (L.A. Times)

What are you reading?

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