10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Move Over, Facebook and Netflix: Value Investing Is Rebounding (Barron’s)
• Why do academic researchers avoid behavioral finance? (Alpha Architect)
• Americans’ Home Wealth Recovers $7 Trillion as Prices Firm (Bloomberg) see also How Federal Lending Programs Served as a Big Shadow Stimulus (Real Time Economics)
• Gold’s Best Start Since 1974 Shows Not Just Inflation Hedge (Bloomberg)
• The Great Let’s-Totally-F*ck-Up-Kansas-Experiment Is Nearly Complete (Esquire)
• Updating Our Favorite Performance Chart (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• Stock Buyback Plans, Seen as Shareholder Boon, Can Backfire (NYT)
•Bloomberg Run Might Have Produced President Trump (FiveThirtyEight)
Hilarious! Donald Trump Book Reviews Are Really Intense: Donald Trump’s tweets reveal an obvious truth. He’s missed his calling as a writer of the world’s most singularly intense CliffsNotes. (Buzzfeed)
• Every Playboy Playmate Centerfold Ever (BoingBoing) and also Every Playboy Playmate Centerfold (Imgur)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jack Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group, inventor of the index fund. 


Marijuana seizures, in pounds, at the southwest border

Source: Wonkblog




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