10 Tuesday AM Reads

Our two-fer-Tuesday morning train reads:

• Travails of the active fund manager may only just be beginning (FT) see also Active asset managers knocked by shift to passive strategies (FT)
• E-Commerce, Strong Demand Put U.S. Industrial Availability at 15-Year Low (World Property Journal) but see Why no economic boost from lower oil prices? (Econbrowser)
• Reflections on Craig Venter’s synbio creation: Life, from scratch (Genetic Literacy Project) see also Origin of life: An artificial comet holds the missing piece (Science Daily)
• Rogoff: Anti-Trade America? (Project Syndicate) but see The Case for Free Trade Is Weaker Than You Think (Real Time Economics)
• Can We Please Retire the Notion That Donald Trump Is Hijacking the Republican Party? (NYMag) see also Rush Limbaugh’s GOP Primary Season From Hell (Media Matters)

What are you reading?

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