10 Monday AM Reads

Its a brand new week! Start it right with our straight form the LIRR morning train reads:

• Sell Stocks in May? Tempting but Not Very Smart (WSJ)
• Fading risks of global recession (FT) see also Central Banks: Buying Into Risk-On (Yardeni)
• Energy expenditures as a percentage of personal consumption expenditures hit another All Time Low in March (Calculated Risk) see also Teen birthrate hits all-time low, led by 50 percent decline among Hispanics and blacks (Washington Post)
• Indiana Is Weird Or, why Abe Lincoln’s dad would be a Trump voter (fivethirtyeight)
• The Bulletproof Diet is everything wrong with eating in America (Vox)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Kelly Coffey, CEO of JPM Private Bank, which manages more than $650 billion in assets.

Continues here

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