10 Weekend Reads

The weekend is here! Pour yourself a mug of Porto Rico Importing Copenhagen blend coffee, settle into your most comfy seat, and get ready for our longer-form weekend reads:

• What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour (Upshot)
• Meet the Private Company That Has Changed the Face of the World (Fortune)
• Inside Silicon Valley’s Culture of Spin (Fast Company)
• How Information Graphics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots (ProPublica) see also Imagine a dog. Got it? I don’t. Here’s what it’s like to be unable to visualize anything. (Vox)
• The 10 biggest announcements from Google I/O 2016 (The Verge)
• Why Americans Ignore the Role of Luck in Everything (NY Mag)
• The Disappearing West (Center for American Progress)
• The Great Foreclosure Fraud: When millions of families lost their homes to foreclosure in the Great Recession, a nurse, a car dealership worker and a forensic expert blew the whistle on mortgage industry abuses. (American Prospect) see also ‘Chain of Title,’ by David Dayen: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street’s Great Foreclosure Fraud (NYT)
Taibbi:R.I.P., GOP: How Trump Is Killing the Republican Party (Rolling Stone)
• How the Best Commencement Speech of All Time Was Bad for Literature (Literary Hub)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jeff DeGraaf of Renaissance Macro.


Most Americans Don’t Know About Ride-Sharing and the ‘Gig Economy’

Percent of adults who have...

Source: Real Time Economics

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