10 Thursday AM Reads

Brexit vote is here, and global markets, in rally mode, apparently know something.  My morning train reads:

• Simplexity: “if you want to suppress volatility, you will suppress returns.” (Irrelevant Investor) see also Two Deadly Wealth Management Assumptions (The Reformed Broker)
• Funniest thing you will read today: Inside Trump’s Most Valuable Tower: Felons, Dictators and Girl Scouts (Bloomberg)
• A Lottery Lawyer Explains What You Should Do if You Hit the Jackpot (Vice)
• The Top-1% Income Club? Don’t Hate ‘Em, Join ‘Em! Here’s How (Investor’s Business Daily) see also There’s Great News on Inequality and Poverty (Bloomberg View)
• The media have reached a turning point in covering Donald Trump. He may not survive it. (Washington Post)

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