10 Sunday Reads

My easy-like-Sunday-morning reads:

• Are Unicorns Killing the 2016 IPO Market? (Barron’s)
• Intel 401(k) Participants Sue Over Hedge Fund Losses (BNA) see also Intel Lawsuit Questions Place of Hedge Funds in Retirement Plans (NYT)
• Japan’s Debt Burden Is Quietly Falling the Most in the World (Bloomberg)
• Why IQ matters more than grit: How to think about intelligence — a conversation with an IQ researcher. (Vox) see also Michael Lewis Explores Why People Tend to Go With Their Guts (NYT)
• Economic Scars Help Explain Bizarre 2016 Race (WSJ)
• Bloomberg just hired 22-year-old Apple scoop machine Mark Gurman (Re/code)
• Yes, Nick Kristof, There Is a Conservative Bias in Economics (Fiscal Times)
• DOD continues quest to make “Iron Man” exosuit for special ops (Ars Technica)
• Trump’s 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee (USA Today) see also Ex-Employees Criticize Trump University, Calling It ‘Scheme’ and ‘Total Lie’ (WSJ)
• This Is The Secret To Keeping Secrets: Ethics aside, these are the psychological reasons why it’s so hard not to spill the beans. (Fast Company)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Steven Pinker, Professor of cognitive psychology at Harvard, and author of How the Mind Works.


Japan Is Coming, Again
Japan banks boosted their share of international loans in most of Asia between 2007 and first half of 2015

Source: Bloomberg


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