10 Friday AM Reads

Well, I’m glad thats over. For a palate cleanser, enjoy our morning train reads:

• Here’s How Workers Help Themselves To Bigger Retirement Nest Eggs (IBDsee also Why Doesn’t Your Company Want You to Put More in Your 401(k)? (Bloomberg)
• This much I know: Daniel Kahneman. The 78-year-old Nobel prize-winning psychologist on his pessimistic mother, the delusion of investment bankers and the need for irony (The Guardian)
• Roger Ailes’ Stunning Fall Marks the End of a Murdoch Era (Hollywood Reportersee also Roger Ailes created another big problem for Fox News — the average age of its audience is 68 (Re/Code)
• Does Subsidizing Crops We’re Told To Eat Less Of Fatten Us Up? (The Salt)
• Hip-Hop Is Turning On Donald Trump (FiveThirtyEight)

Happy centenial! Be sure to check out our 100th edition of Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jack Schwager, the man who inspired this whole thing.

Continues here

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