10 Fourth of July Reads

Our distinctly American Fourth of July morning reads:

• The Fourth of July, Brought to You by Belgium, Brazil and China (Bloomberg View)
• Will the Republicans Lose Control of Congress? (Barron’s)
• Can Cadillac be cool again? (Quartz)
• The 99 percent just had its best year in nearly two decades (Wonkblog)
• How Anti-Growth Sentiment, Reflected in Zoning Laws, Thwarts Equality (NYT) see also ‘Down-Payment’ Myth Stumps First-Time Homebuyers (Investor’s Business Daily)
• Can the US Continue to be an Outlier in Long Term Care? (Conversable Economist)
• Inside the Six Weeks Donald Trump Was a Nonstop ‘Birther’ (NYT)
• American gun ownership drops to lowest in nearly 40 years (Wonkblog)
• Dog Scouts of America Is Fur Real – And It’s Awesome (Bark Post)
• Sriracha Is a Quintessentially American Flavor (The Ringer)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Ross Buchmuller, former President of AIG Private Client Group and now founder and CEO of Pure Insurance.


As Low-Skilled Jobs Disappear, Men Drop Out of the Workforce
Source: Real Time Economics


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