10 Tuesday AM Reads

Man the Turrets! Its back to work, back to school, and back to the finest morning train reads in the land:

• How big business lost Washington (Wonkblog)
• Research: How Investors’ Reading Habits Influence Stock Prices (HBR) see also How Twelve and a Half Cents Changed History (Irrelevant Investor)
• Connecting Your Car to Your Smartphone Can Make Auto Data Work for You (WSJ) see also Automatic Pro (Automatic.com)
• So what exactly could be wrong with having taco trucks on every corner? (L.A. Times)
• This Guy Documented His First Week of Work at Target & It’s Hilarious (Refinery29)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Bill McBride, founder of the highly regarded economics blog Calculated Risk.  

Continues here

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